World’s First Open Source Insurance Policy

Policy 2.0 is a radically simplified, modernized, and digitized insurance policy. This means you can actually read and understand it!

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Hey! Welcome to Lemonade.
We know you're gonna love it here :)
The Squeezed Version
Congratulations! This is your Lemonade Multi-Risk Housing Insurance Policy for the home you’re renting at 18 Rue Jean et Marie Moinon, 75010 Paris. Your policy number is LP234F32.
We want to make sure you know what you're getting for your payment of   6,75 € per month, so we did our best to make this policy short and easy to understand.
Please take a few minutes to read through. If you need to, you can always change coverages and add valuable items.
Who's covered?
This policy covers you, Lucie Martin, your partner, and any children, permanently living at 18 Rue Jean et Marie Moinon, 75010 Paris.
Any mention of you or your stuff within this policy also applies to these other people and their things.
This policy covers damages to your stuff, and events directly leading to damage or injury to others, that occur after 22 October 2024 at 06:40, for as long as it remains active.
We’ll automatically renew your policy on an annual basis until either one of us decides to discontinue.
Against what?
We cover your stuff against fire, smoke, explosion, power surge, theft, windstorms, hail, snow pressure, collisions by vehicles or aircraft to your home, and water damage caused by leaks, ruptures, overflows, or blockages of pipes or appliances, or infiltration through your roof or bathroom seals and tiles.
We also cover your stuff against natural or technological catastrophes (e.g. flooding, earthquakes, industrial disasters) when declared by the government and published in the Official Journal, and acts of terrorism.
You’re also covered against accidental glass breakage.
In addition to your stuff, you’re also covered for injuries or damages that you accidentally cause to others. This includes damage to the home you’re renting, and damages or injuries relating to your private life.
We provide a legal defense if you cause injuries or damages to others, or seek recourse against others if you have sustained damage or injury.
We also provide legal advice and help you pursue legal action for disputes related to your home, your employment, consumer agreements, small housing works, and online reputation.
Call +33 243 204 111 for legal emergencies or advice.
What if there's an emergency?
We define emergencies as events that require immediate assistance as a result of fire, sudden water damage, getting locked outside your home, and structural damage that leaves your home unprotected.
An emergency response team is available 24/7, ready to help. If you have an emergency call us at: +33 801 840506.
We cover you in your home. You’re also covered outside your home while you’re temporarily travelling anywhere in the world (as long as your trip abroad is less than 3 months!).
For how much?
If your stuff gets damaged
Our policy provides automatic coverage for items worth up to 5 000 € each, up to a maximum of 10 000 € per event. Please take a minute to make sure it’s enough to cover the total value of your stuff as new, such as your clothes, jewelry, cameras, laptops, phones, furniture, and even your kitchen if you own it.
To cover items worth more than 5 000 € each for their full value, you’ll need to have them approved. Contact us to add them to your policy.
If glass in your home gets accidentally broken
We’ll cover you for up to 10 000 € per event for damage resulting in glass breakage.
If you accidentally cause damage or injury to others
We’ll cover you for up to  6 000 000 € in total for all events occurring within the policy year.
If you need legal defense or to seek recourse against others
We’ll cover your legal costs for up to 20 000 € in total for all events occurring within the policy year.
If you need legal protection or advice
We cover up to 20 000 € in legal protection per event.
If you’d like to increase any of the above coverages, please let us know.
How are your damaged items valued?
We offer 100% replacement value for any destroyed, damaged, or stolen item. This means we will pay you the cost to repair or replace an item (whichever is lower) based on the price of a new one of the same make and model, without any deductions. If the exact item is no longer available, we’ll reimburse you enough to buy a replacement of equivalent type and quality. We don’t pay less just because your damaged item was used.
And now, for the full story...
If your stuff gets damaged
We cover stuff that you own, that’s normally kept at your home, and that was damaged or lost by things such as a fire, a storm, or a burst pipe.
We don’t cover cash, or stuff that’s primarily used for your business, or things you willingly handed over to someone else to look after.
This policy covers your stuff, up to a limit of 10 000 € per event, for damages caused by fire, smoke, explosion, power surge, theft, windstorm, hail, snow pressure, collisions by vehicles or aircraft to your home, and water damage caused by leaks, ruptures, overflows, or blockages of pipes or appliances, or infiltration through your roof or bathroom seals and tiles.
We also cover your stuff against natural or technological catastrophes (e.g. flooding, earthquakes, industrial disasters) when declared by the government and published in the Official Journal, and acts of terrorism.
We pay up to 5 000 € per item. Higher value items will need to be added to your policy and approved by our team first. So please let us know if you have any items worth more than 5 000 € each, so we can cover them fully. Things normally purchased as a pair or set (like a pair of earrings or a drum kit), or which form part of a collection of rare or unique things, are considered a single item.
We will cover reasonable and necessary costs arising from above covered damages, to protect your stuff (e.g. to clean-up, to move your stuff during repairs, to transport your stuff into temporary storage or to a new address, to provide temporary security). If the total damages exceed the coverage amount you selected, we’ll provide an extra 10% to cover these additional costs.
We provide emergency 24/7 assistance services through our partner, Allianz Partners, for the home you’re insuring, and cover the cost up to 300 € per event. Depending on the type of emergency, we can arrange a locksmith, plumber, electrician, glazier, gas specialist, organize a stay at a hotel (up to 150 €/night per person for 3 days), or cover the costs to move you and your stuff. So if you lose your keys and need someone to open your door, we can send a locksmith to let you in. For more details, see the terms and conditions attached to this policy.
If you are underinsured (meaning the coverage amount you selected is less than the total value of your stuff), we’ll waive our right to reduce the amount we pay. But we do not cover damage above the coverage amount you selected.
What's not covered
Damages resulting from events not mentioned above aren’t covered. For example, if you accidentally drop your phone, or spill water on your laptop, this is not covered.
We only cover your physical stuff. Intangible things like your health, reputation, identity, data, lost wages, and privacy are not covered.
We do not cover financial instruments (including cash, cryptocurrency, and stocks), business equipment such as your work laptop, or animals.
We don't cover property that is illegal for you to own, nor any firearms.
We don’t cover damage to motorized vehicles with compulsory insurance requirements or a maximum speed above 25 km/h (e.g. cars, mopeds, high speed e-bikes, e-scooters), or to sailboats and motorboats.
We only cover stuff that’s normally kept in your home, balcony, terrace, garden shed, cellar, a storage unit or garage in your building, but not common or unprotected areas. Things that are normally kept elsewhere, like at your vacation home, office, or a storage facility, aren’t covered.
We only cover the stuff you own and in your possession. Things you borrow or willingly hand over to someone else, are not covered. So if you handed something you own to someone else, it’s under their responsibility and won’t be covered. For example: if your stuff gets damaged during shipping, dry cleaning, an apartment move with movers, handling by an airline, while on loan to a friend, or use by an Airbnb guest, we won’t cover it.
We don’t cover items that are lost, or which mysteriously disappear.
If the damage was intentionally caused by you, this is not covered.
We don’t cover damage as a result of your evident negligence (e.g. not locking your doors while away from home, or not fixing a leak that you were aware of) or poor maintenance (e.g. not clearing your gutters, or not shutting off your water supply if you go on holiday during winter).
Damage relating to normal wear and tear (e.g. scratches or stains), or which arises gradually (e.g. mold or rust), is not covered.
Damage caused by war, civil unrest, or nuclear energy is not covered.
If glass in your home gets accidentally broken
You’re covered against sudden and unexpected glass breakage. We cover breakage to items that you own, and to glass in the home you’re renting.
This policy covers you up to a limit of 10 000 € per event for damage resulting in sudden and unexpected glass breakage, even if you accidentally caused it. For example, if your neighbor kicks their football through your window, or your stovetop glass breaks, we’ll cover it.
What's not covered
We don’t cover damage to screens of electronic devices (e.g. phones, laptops, TVs), verandas, or solar panels.
We don’t cover damage to curved glass (e.g. wine glasses, lenses, light bulbs).
Damage relating to normal wear and tear (e.g. scratches or stains), or which is cosmetic (e.g. chips, flaking, or cracks), is not covered.
We only cover the replacement or repair of the broken glass. We don’t cover damage or injury caused by the broken glass.
If the damage was intentionally caused by you, this is not covered.
Damage caused by war, civil unrest, or nuclear energy is not covered.
If you accidentally cause damage or injury to others
This policy protects you if you are liable for damage to the home you’re renting, or for damage or injury you have caused relating to your private life.
We will pay the damages on your behalf up to  6 000 000 € in total for all events occurring within the policy year. A series of events relating to the same cause will be treated as a single event occurring at the same time the first of these events occurs.
We cover damage to the home you rent (including rented furnishings), if caused by fire, explosion, or water leaks. This includes damage to any impacted neighbors or other third parties.
We also cover damage to a holiday house you rent for less than 3 months (including rented furnishings), if caused by fire, explosion, or water leaks. This includes damage to any impacted neighbors or other third parties.
We also cover damage or injury you cause to others as part of the risks of everyday life as a private individual.
We may investigate, settle, or contest the complaint on your behalf as we judge best. You cannot settle the complaint without our written prior approval.
We offer depreciated replacement value for property damage you cause to someone else. This means we will pay the cost to repair or replace their item (whichever is lower) taking into account that it has been used, unless a right for higher compensation applies under statutory liability principles.
What's not covered
We don’t cover claims unless they result in property damage or bodily injury. So if the damage relates to stress, mental anguish, reputational damage, loss of data, or pure financial loss, this is not covered.
We don’t cover damage you cause with motorized vehicles subject to compulsory insurance requirements or with a maximum speed above 25 km/h (e.g. cars, mopeds, e-scooters).
We don’t cover damage you cause with sailboats with a length greater than 6m, nor boats powered with motors exceeding 4 HP.
Damage caused by the use of drones or other motorized aircraft is not covered.
We don’t cover damage or injury relating to a sporting activity, where a club or association is required to provide insurance for the participants.
We don’t cover damage caused by firearms.
We only cover your liability as a private individual. So if you sublet your home, perform activities relating to a union, association, or the public, or conduct other business, this would not be covered. We make an exception for babysitting or tutoring, internships, or other paid work as part of your studies.
We don’t cover damage you cause to the home or holiday house you rent (including rented furnishings), if caused by reasons other than fire, explosion, or water leak (like scratched floors, or if you accidentally put a hole in the wall). We also don’t cover damage to other items that you rent.
We don’t cover damage caused by high-risk dogs (category 1 or 2 under the regulations on dangerous dogs, such as “Pit-Bulls” or Rottweilers), horses, livestock, or wild animals that you own, or that are in your care.
We don’t cover damage caused intentionally, or as a result of a deliberate criminal or administrative offense.
We do not cover criminal or civil fines.
Damage to items you borrow, or that are in your care, are not covered.
We don’t cover damage or injury that you cause to other people who are insured under this policy.
We don’t cover damage or injury arising from exposure to hazardous substances or lubricants (e.g. asbestos, fuel, oil), or the transmission of any disease.
We don’t cover damage relating to harassment, sexual behavior, or discrimination.
You are only covered if the claim is based on statutory liability provisions under private law. So if you’ve agreed to pay for damages when you aren’t responsible, or when you don’t meet contractual obligations, this wouldn’t be covered.
If you need legal defense or to seek recourse against others
We’ll defend you if you accidentally cause damage or injury to others, or take legal action if you have sustained damage or injury from an event covered under this policy.
If needed, we’ll provide a legal defense or seek recourse against others and pay for your legal costs up to a limit of 20 000 € TTC in total for all disputes occurring within the policy year.
For certain legal fees, there is a maximum amount that we pay. For expenses relating to miscellaneous fees, interlocutory and ex parte summary proceedings (“référés et requêtes”), Police Court (“tribunal de police”), successful out-of-court settlements, and support to legal expertise, we will pay up to 500 € TTC each per court proceeding. For other fees relating to Lower Courts (“tribunaux judiciaires” and “tribunaux administratifs”), and Courts of Appeal (“cours d’appel”), we will pay up to 1 000 € TTC each per court proceeding. And for fees relating to Supreme Courts (“Cour de Cassation” and “Conseil d’Etat”), we will pay up to 2 000 € TTC per court proceeding.
You maintain the right to freely choose the lawyer, and to appeal to a mutually appointed arbitrator in the case of any disagreement.
What's not covered
We provide a defense and seek recourse, and pay legal costs, only for disputes related to events covered under this policy. So if we would not pay to replace your stuff, or pay damages on your behalf, we do not cover the legal costs either.
We do not cover fines or late payments.
We don’t seek recourse against others if the damage you have sustained is below your selected deductible.
If you need legal protection or advice
We’ll provide you with legal support for a broad range of disputes including disputes with your neighbors, with sellers and service providers, at work, and disputes that may affect your online reputation.
We provide legal protection for disputes related to the home you live in (e.g. noisy neighbors, rental agreements), consumer agreements (e.g. a retailer delivers faulty goods, agreements with a travel agent), or construction works up to 10 000 € (e.g. a contractor providing a faulty service, non compliance with a warranty).
We also cover disputes regarding your employment (e.g. unpaid wages, discrimination at work), administrative services related to social services and pensions (e.g. mobility benefit refusal, retirement pension suspension), domestic violence, and bullying.
We also cover your online reputation (e.g. someone shares non-authorized videos from your personal life) and web-cleaning procedures when possible.
For these disputes, we help you reach an amicable agreement, pursue and defend legal claims if no amicable solution is possible, and make sure the judicial decision is put in place. We also provide confidential advice online or over the phone on any personal legal matter covered under this policy and provide you with the contact of a legal professional if the legal matters are not covered.
We cover proceedings that have occurred inside the EU and EFTA state members.
You need to tell us about a dispute as soon as it happens, and provide as much information as possible to support your case. If your claim is legally founded and is accepted, we’ll cover your legal costs up to 20 000 € per dispute. For expenses relating to amicable disputes , online reputation and web-services, we’ll pay up to 1 000 € per event. For judicial expertises, we’ll pay up to 4 000 € per dispute.
Call +33 243 204 111 for legal emergencies or advice, Monday to Saturday, between 8 AM and 8 PM. This service is provided by Covéa Protection Juridique.
Please see your Legal Protection Coverage by Covéa Protection Juridique attached to your policy for more coverage details and legal fees limits.
What's not covered
We don’t cover disputes if the cost for the legal intervention is under 250 €.
We don’t cover any disputes if they started or were likely to occur before you took out this policy.
You have to file your legal claim within 30 days for it to be covered.
We don’t cover any legal costs we haven’t agreed to in advance (e.g. expertise, bailiff’s statement), actions taken against our company, criminal fines and prosecutions, or things you did recklessly or intentionally. If, after a process over intentional acts, the court rules in your favor, we will make an exception and reimburse you for the legal fees.
Any disputes between you and someone else who is also insured under this policy are not covered. We also don’t cover family disputes (such as divorce, successions, custody agreements), but we do provide protection for victims of domestic violence.
We don’t cover any legal disputes related to school admission, state employees, imports and exports of goods, data protection, intellectual property, or taxes.
We don’t cover disputes related to motorized vehicles, such as purchases, sales or service provisions, or accidents you cause due to a breach of traffic regulations.
Disputes related to war, popular movements, or terrorism are also not covered.
We don’t cover disputes and contracts connected with your business or associations you manage, political or union activity, financial obligations, investments, or debts. We also don’t cover disputes related to buildings co-ownership unpaid charges.
We only cover disputes related to construction or renovation house works with a value of up to 10 000 € and that don’t require a construction permit or compulsory insurance.
For other specific exclusions, please see your Legal Protection Coverage from Covéa Protection Juridique attached to this policy.
Alright, time for a coffee.
...aaaaaand we're back.
Your participation if something bad happens
AKA your 'deductible'. It is now set to 150 € per event.
A deductible is an amount that defines your participation in potential damage. It’s called a deductible, because it’s deducted from your claim payment.
For example, if you have a covered claim that amounts to 7 000 €, we will end up paying you 6 850 € (after we deduct the 150 € ‘deductible'). It also means there's no point in filing claims for anything less than 150 €.
Opting for a higher deductible means you’re taking more of the risk on yourself, so it is often a way to lower your monthly payment. You can increase or decrease your deductible. It’s up to you.
There are special cases where the deductible you select will not apply. For damage caused by a natural catastrophe, the deductible is set by regulation (currently 380 € per event in most cases). We will apply the deductible required at the time of the event. And for costs relating to emergency assistance services or legal expenses, no deductible applies.
Your obligations if something bad happens
You are required to take immediate steps to minimize damages, notify us, and help with our investigation.
And more specifically...
Notify us right away of any damage or loss.
Call the relevant authorities (e.g. police, fire department, emergency medical services) or other people in a position to help (e.g. landlord, apartment manager).
Take reasonable steps to avoid or minimize the damage (e.g. move property or people out of harm's way, try to put out the fire, call a plumber to prevent ongoing damage). You can include any associated costs that you consider reasonable and necessary in your claim.
Take reasonable steps to recover your losses. If other insurance exists that may cover the damage, you need to inform us and provide us with the details we ask for. To the extent the loss is separately reimbursed, no coverage is provided.
Provide us with the information and records we ask for as soon as possible (e.g. contact information for parties that may be involved, proof of ownership).
We may ask you to provide evidence or recorded statements relating to your claim. We may also ask you to take other reasonable steps to ensure we have complete and truthful accounts of the loss and its circumstances.
If you end up recovering your stuff (e.g. it was stolen and you get it back), you agree to return the money we paid you for that loss.
This is important...
If you fail to provide complete and truthful information at any time, including prior to the purchase of the policy or following a loss, or to comply with any obligations agreed in this policy, we may reduce or even completely refuse coverage according to statutory provisions.
We may also report it to the authorities.
Some technical stuff, then we're done!
Our policies renew automatically on an annual basis. Your policy will remain active until it is cancelled by you or by us.
You are free to cancel your policy at any time, and we will return the unused portion of your payments. Also, please note cancellation will only take place from the date you asked us to cancel the policy, and not before.
If we choose to cancel this policy, we’ll notify you at [email protected] and by Electronic Registered Mail. We will provide at least 10 days’ notice in the case of material misrepresentation, one month’s notice if we cancel after a claim or change in risk, or two months’ notice for termination at the end of the annual policy.
If you fail to make the very first payment, your policy will not be activated until payment has been made, and received by us.
For failure of subsequent payments, we will send you a reminder to the email you provided. We will also send a notice by Electronic Registered Mail at least 10 days after the payment due date informing you that your coverage will be suspended 30 days later. If we do not receive the full payment within 10 days after your coverage has been suspended, your policy will be cancelled immediately, according to statutory provisions.
How soon will your claim be paid
Our goal is for the majority of simple claims to be paid almost instantly once you complete the claim report on the Lemonade app. There will be cases in which we’ll need to fully review the incident to approve the claim and reach an agreement with you. We will then make payment within 10 days following agreement or a court decision.
When someone else caused your damage
As part of loss payments that might take place under this policy, we will pursue the responsible party to recover what we can, to the extent we are allowed to, according to statutory provisions.
If you get reimbursed by someone else, like your credit card company, your friend, or landlord, you agree to return the money we paid you for that loss. No double-collecting allowed!
Moving to a new address
If any of the information you have provided to us has changed, you need to let us know.
If you were previously insured with us, you’ll continue to be covered at your previous address for up to one month after you start moving out at no extra charge, so long as the previous address is within France.
In the case that you’re moving from your current address, you’ll need to cancel this policy and create a new one at your new address. You’ll continue to be covered at your current address for up to one month after you start moving out. After one month, this policy will automatically end.
Information about your payments and contract
Your 6,75 € per month payment corresponds to an annual premium of  86,90 €, which includes 16,61 € of taxes. Your first payment of 12,65 € includes the mandatory 6,50 € contribution to the Guarantee Fund for Victims of Terrorism and Other Offences (“Fonds de garantie des victimes des actes de terrorise et autres infractions”). The mandatory contribution will be added to your first payment upon each annual renewal.
Your insurance contract is made up of both this policy and the additional legal documents attached to this policy.
That's it!
Kudos to you my friend, because you’ve just become a master of your insurance policy! Tell your mom, brag at parties, put it on your resume… because let’s face it, people will be impressed.
And of course, please contact us if anything remains unclear, or if you need more coverage than this policy provides.
We wish you a wonderful year - but should you encounter any problems along the way, we’ll do our best to undo them.

Daniel Schreiber and Shai Wininger

Lemonade Insurance N.V.
Represented by
Lemonade Agency B.V.
Spuistraat 112A, 1012 VA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[email protected]

Your policy is co-insured by:
Cardif Assurances Risques Divers
Company ruled by the French Insurance Code
Ltd Company with a capital of 21 602 240 €
RCS Paris 308 896 547
1 Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris, France
*Based on our US open source insurance policy which can be found on Github