
About Us

We’re a full-stack insurance carrier built to provide the most delightful and transparent insurance experience in the world.

We offer hassle-free renters, homeowners and landlords insurance in France, contents and personal liability insurance in Germany and the Netherlands, and contents insurance in the UK. We also offer homeowners, renters, car, pet, and life products across the US.

Lemonade is a fully licensed and regulated insurance company, which means that we underwrite, price, and sell policies, as well as handle and pay claims.

We’re also a public benefit corporation and a certified B Corp, which means we care about the community and environment, and not just business results. Once a year, if there are unused premiums left over, we donate them to nonprofits our customers choose.

We’re transparent. We want you to understand exactly what you’re buying and how much you’ll be paying for it. This is why we introduced the world’s first open source collaborative insurance policy, where we ask for customers and insurance experts to come together and edit the perfect policy!

It’s called Policy 2.0, and it’s available in France, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands.

How is Lemonade’s business model different from that of a traditional insurance carrier?

Traditional insurance companies collect profits from whatever premium is left after paying claims and expenses.

Lemonade was built differently.

Instead of profiting from unclaimed premiums, we take a flat fee out of your premium upfront—that’s our profit—and donate whatever money may be left, after paying claims and expenses, to charities you choose. We call this the Lemonade Giveback.

This way, our customers enjoy amazing insurance, and society gets a little push for the better. It also means that we're happy to pay claims fast and without any hassle.

What’s Policy 2.0?

Policy 2.0 is the radically simplified, modernized, and digitized insurance policy by Lemonade. It lays out what’s covered and what’s not in our insurance product. The best thing about Policy 2.0 is that it was written for the 21st century, so it’s relevant for your everyday life. Making insurance simple, approachable, and relevant should be a common goal, a communal effort, and a universal benefit. That’s why our Policy 2.0 is open-sourced: we want to hear feedback from our community, and share it with the industry so that everyone can help make insurance simple.

How are you using my premium?

Lemonade keeps a fixed percentage from the premiums we collect. This pays for developing loads of cool tech, running the company (salaries, rent, reinsurance, and so on), and turning a profit. If there’s money left after claims are paid, we donate it to nonprofit causes selected by the Lemonade community.

How is Lemonade structured?

Lemonade, Inc., a publicly traded company, is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and is a public benefit corporation organized under Delaware law. Lemonade Inc. is the parent company for a group of subsidiary companies. Lemonade Inc. owns Lemonade Insurance N.V., subsidiary company in support of its European operations:

Lemonade Insurance N.V. is under the supervision of the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, DNB), operates in France under the European Freedom of Services regime and is identified as such by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) with registration number 1500003.

Lemonade Agency B.V. is under the supervision of the Dutch Market Authority (Autoriteit Financiële Markten, AFM) with registration number 12047085, operates in France under the European Freedom of Services regime and is identified as such in ORIAS.

The French Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution, "ACPR", is charged with preserving the stability of the financial system and protecting the customers, insurance policyholders, members and beneficiaries of the persons that it supervises.

The Organisme pour le Registre des Intermédiaires en Assurance, "ORIAS", is an association under the supervision of the Treasury Department in France and in charge of approving insurance intermediaries operating on the French market.

More details about Lemonade’s legal structure can be found in our Legal Stuff section.

How do I get Lemonade insurance?

Lemonade policies are primarily sold online through our website or our mobile app. Customers can download the app in order to manage their policy, get help from our team, and file claims.

What kind of policies does Lemonade offer?

We offer renters, homeowners and landlords insurance in France, contents and personal liability insurance in Germany and the Netherlands, and contents insurance in the UK. We also offer homeowners, renters, car, pet, and life products across the US.

We’re constantly working on new and exciting products and features. We recommend following us on Twitter to get updates.

Is Lemonade reinsured?

Yes! Some of the biggest reinsurers in the world are reinsuring Lemonade, like Swiss Re, Munich Re, and Hannover Re.

When can I expect Lemonade to be available in my area?

If you live in France, the UK, the US, the Netherlands and Germany—you’re in luck. For everyone else: we’re coming soon, so stay tuned via Facebook and Twitter or sign up here for updates.

Are you financially rated?

Yes. We've earned a Financial Stability Rating® of A-Exceptional from Demotech Inc., and are reinsured by some of the industry’s largest brands.

How can I reach you?

If you have a Lemonade policy or have had one in the past and need help now, click here to get started. Otherwise, you can always get in touch with our team through our app or website or by emailing [email protected].

How to submit a complaint?

Complaints can be submitted as a first step to our customers team via [email protected]

If we can’t resolve the issue together, you’ll be able to submit the complaint to an independent party. Whilst we work our way to becoming a member of the French Mediation d’Assurance, you can in the meantime submit your complaint to the online dispute resolution (ODR) platform of the European Commission. The ODR platform enables you to submit your complaint in the language of your choosing.

Following this procedure the complaint can then be transferred to the Dutch financial ombudsman (Kifid), which is the institution we operate with, Lemonade being a Dutch entity. Please note that Kifid will handle your complaint in English. Lemonade will provide for a translation of your correspondence to and from Kifid, where necessary and relevant.

Information on the complaints procedure and contact details can be found at

How do you keep my information confidential?

Transparency and integrity while processing your personal data is very important to us. We comply with data protection regulations, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). In fact, we like to say we are GDPR-compliant by design, building Lemonade with the customer as our focus. We highly value and respect your privacy (see our Privacy Policy). We will never sell your information, or share it with anyone except for the purposes of providing our services and promoting our business.

What does being a public benefit corporation and B Corp mean?

B Corp® is a certification granted to for-profit companies that meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. Although Lemonade seeks to make a profit, our mission is to also be a force for public good. Lemonade Inc. is a public benefit corporation organized under Delaware law, which means that it is legally permitted to consider the interests of all our constituents, not solely the interests of our owners, in operating our business.

Renters Insurance

What am I covered for as a Renter?

What kind of unfortunate things am I covered for?

We cover your stuff against fire, smoke, explosion, power surge, theft, vandalism, windstorms, hail, snow pressure, collisions by vehicles or aircraft, and water damage caused by leaks, ruptures, overflows, or blockages of pipes or appliances, or infiltration through your roof or bathroom seals and tiles.

We also cover your stuff against natural or technological catastrophes (e.g. flooding, earthquakes, industrial disasters) when declared by the government and published in the Journal Officiel, and acts of terrorism.

Only in case of emergency, you can call our Assistance partners available 24/7 at: +33 801 840506. They will dispatch the right service from our trusted network of specialists, including locksmiths, plumbers, or electricians (see details in your policy).

We also help cover any increased living expenses in these scenarios. For example, if a kitchen fire forces you out of your apartment, or if a burst pipe upstairs means it’s now raining inside your apartment—we’ll cover the cost for a hotel.

Your coverage also includes private liability (“Responsabilité Civile”), which means you’re also covered for injuries or damages that you accidentally cause to others. This includes damages to the home you’re renting, and damages or injuries relating to your private life.

We also provide a legal defense if you cause injuries or damages to others, or seek recourse against others if you have sustained damage or injury from an event covered under this policy.

As always, make sure to review your policy to understand exactly what’s covered.

What kind of unfortunate things am I covered for?

You have the option to include in your contract our add-ons that include Glass Breakage, Complete Theft, Legal Protection and School Insurance. You can easily do it at the end of your quote, or anytime after buying your policy - just go to your Lemonade app!

  • Glass Breakage: With this coverage, you’ll be covered if the glass items you own and the fixed glass in your home break due to a sudden and unexpected event. For example, if you drop a heavy pot on your stovetop.
  • Complete Theft: If your stuff gets stolen outside of your home, Don’t forget to take reasonable measures to prevent it from happening, like always locking your bike to a fixed object when you leave it outdoors.
  • Legal Protection: We provide legal support for a broad range of disputes, including disputes with neighbors, sellers, service providers, at your work and domestic violence.
  • School Insurance: If your child suffers an accident at school or during their extracurricular activities, we’ll reimburse their medical expenses, including surgery, eyeglasses and dental care.

Am I covered if something I own gets stolen?

With your Renters policy, generally yes, but there are some exceptions. If your laptop was stolen from your home due to a break-in, you’re covered. However, if your laptop was stolen from your favorite café, or it disappeared from your home without any signs of a burglary, you’ll only be covered if you have our Complete Theft Coverage as part of your policy. If you didn’t add this when you signed up, you can do so at any time through the app or by emailing [email protected].

Note: If the stolen item is worth more than 5 000 €, it has to have Extra Coverage to be covered in full.

What type of theft is covered?

Theft involves unauthorised or forced entry (aka, there was a clear break-in), or the use of force or the threat of violence, in which items were stolen or damaged. Your Renters policy automatically includes coverage in this instance.

If your stuff was stolen, but there was no clear sign of forced entry or violence, this is not automatically covered. But you can add coverage for this by selecting the Complete Theft Coverage add-on when you get a policy (or at any time later, by writing to [email protected]).

So let’s say you have a house party and an acquaintance pockets your favourite pair of earrings. There’s no forced entry here, and no use of force. This theft would only be covered if your policy includes the Complete Theft Coverage.

If my pet bites someone, am I covered?

Generally, yes. If your cat or dog bites someone, you'd be covered for legal and medical expenses under your policy. However, you're not covered if your dog is considered high-risk, meaning it is a category 1 or 2 breed under the regulations on dangerous dogs, such as a "Pit-Bull" or Rottweiler.

Also, we don’t cover any damage caused by horses, livestock, or wild animals that you own, or that are in your care.

What am I not covered for as a Renter?

What kinds of things are not covered under my policy?

Unfortunately, your insurance policy doesn’t cover every annoying thing that can happen. The policy doesn’t cover temporary accommodations if your power, water or heat goes out in the dead of winter, or if your apartment gets infested with bed bugs (eek!).

We also don’t cover your stuff that is accidentally lost or broken—so if you drop your phone and the screen cracks, that’s not covered. We also don’t cover damage relating to normal wear and tear like scratches or stains, or damage that arises gradually like mold or rust.

Is stuff kept in my self-storage locker covered?

We only cover stuff that’s normally kept in your home, balcony, terrace, garage, garden shed, cellar, or a storage unit in your building. Stuff that is kept in common or unprotected areas is not covered. That means things that are normally kept elsewhere—like at your holiday home, office, or a storage facility—aren’t covered.

Is my laptop covered?

Yes, but not against every event. Laptops, phones, tablets, TVs, and other personal electronics are all overed against the list of specific perils (bad events) mentioned in your Renters policy, such as burglary, fire, vandalism, and so on. If you’d like your electronics to be covered against theft outside of your home, you’ll want to add the Complete Theft Coverage.

Keep in mind that your policy doesn’t cover your laptop if it gets lost or breaks if you drop it. Also note that we don’t cover business equipment, so if your computer is primarily used for your work, we will never pay to replace it.

And if your laptop is worth more than 5 000 € it needs to be added to the policy as a high-value item to be insured for its full value.

How much coverage do I need as a Renter?

How much coverage do I need?

To determine the amount of coverage you need, make sure you take everything you own into account (pro tip: think of it as if everything you own goes up in flames, how much reimbursement would you need from us to cover all the things you lost). You want to make sure you aren’t underinsured, so when in doubt, always try to round up. If other people are insured under your policy, make sure you get sufficient coverage for them.

For your Liability coverage, this is personal for each customer, so best to fully understand what Liability covers, and then determine how much coverage would make you feel sufficiently covered. Lemonade allows for up to 10 million euros in Liability coverage (“Responsabilité Civile”).

Can I increase or reduce my coverage?

Sure. Before purchasing a policy, you’ll be able to adjust the coverage you need, as well as choose a deductible that works for you. Naturally, we have maximum and minimum limits to all coverages.

After you buy a policy, you’ll be able to view and edit your coverages through the Lemonade app. These changes may affect the premium you pay.

Homeowners Insurance

What am I covered for as a Homeowner?

What kind of unfortunate things am I covered for?

Our homeowners insurance includes three main components:

  • Coverage for the structure of the home you own, which includes its walls, flooring, roof, kitchen, or bathroom;
  • Coverage for the items that you own and normally keep inside of your home;
  • Liability coverage if you accidentally cause damage or injury to someone else.

We will cover the damage to your home and your stuff due to fire, smoke, explosion, power surge, windstorms over 100km/h, hail, snow pressure, collisions by vehicles or aircraft, and water damage caused by leaks, ruptures, overflows, or blockages of pipes or appliances, or infiltration through your roof, your facade or bathroom seals and tiles.

We also cover your home and stuff against natural or technological catastrophes (e.g. flooding, earthquakes, industrial disasters) when declared by the government and published in the Journal Officiel, and acts of terrorism.

In case of emergency only and if you wish to contact our Assistance services, call our Assistance partners, available 24/7, at: +33 801 840506. They will dispatch the right service from our trusted network of specialists, including locksmiths, plumbers or electricians (see details in your policy).

We also help cover any reasonable living expenses in these scenarios. For example, if a kitchen fire forces you out of your apartment or if an intense rainfall floods your house, we’ll cover the cost for a hotel.

Your coverage also includes damage that you accidentally cause to others. This includes damage caused by fire, explosion or water leaks that come from the home you own, or damage or injuries you have caused relating to your private life.

We also provide a legal defense if you cause injuries or damages to others, or seek recourse against others if you have sustained damage or injury from an event covered under this policy.

As always, make sure to review your policy to understand exactly what’s covered.

What additional protection can I buy?

You have the option to include in your contract our add-ons that include Glass Breakage, Burglary and Vandalism, Complete Theft, Legal Protection, and School Insurance. You can easily do it at the end of your quote, or anytime after buying your policy - just check your Lemonade app!

  • Glass Breakage: You’ll be covered if the glass items you own and the fixed glass in your home break due to a sudden and unexpected event, including the glass from your verandas if you told us about them.
  • Burglary and Vandalism: Damage to your home and your stuff will be covered if someone illegally enters your premises. This includes the cost to replace the locks or broken windows.
  • Complete Theft: If your stuff gets stolen outside of your home - Don’t forget to take reasonable measures to prevent it from happening. You can only buy this coverage if you also have our Burglary and Vandalism add-on.
  • Legal Protection: We provide legal support for a broad range of disputes, including disputes with neighbors, sellers, service providers, at your work, and domestic violence.
  • School Insurance: If your child suffers an accident at school or during their extracurricular activities, we’ll reimburse their medical expenses, including surgery, eyeglasses, and dental care.
  • Temporary Rentals: We cover damage to your home and stuff and damage your home accidentally causes to someone else, while you temporarily rent it out to someone else. This coverage is designed for short term rentals and is limited to 90 days in a year. So don’t forget to buy it for instance if, while you go out on vacations, you usually rent it out to someone else on a booking platform.

What am I not covered for as a Homeowner?

What kinds of things are not covered under my policy?

We won’t cover damage to your roof, facade, gutters, skylights, or the balconies themselves when caused by burst pipes and leaking appliances. We also don’t cover the cost to repair defective electrical panels or the cost to repair the part of the home that caused the damage. So if, for instance, a broken boiler causes a leak in your place, we won’t pay to recover your boiler.

Mold, fungus, stains, micro-cracks, and scratches that show up in your walls or roof are not covered. Also, make sure to clean your home and do the regular maintenance, as damage which would derive from improper maintenance or installations would not be covered - for instance, if you don’t clear your gutters or install a radiator by yourself which then causes a short-circuit.

As for your stuff, we also don’t cover if it is accidentally lost or broken—so if you drop your phone and the screen cracks, that’s not covered. We also don’t cover damage relating to normal wear and tear like scratches or stains, or damage that arises gradually like mold or rust. We also don’t cover burglary and vandalism, unless you have bought our additional coverage (check the section above 😉)

We also don’t cover temporary accommodations if your power, water or heat goes out in the dead of winter, or if your apartment gets infested with bed bugs (eek!).

Is stuff kept in my self-storage locker covered?

We only cover stuff that’s normally kept in your home, balcony, terrace, or in a secured garage, garden shed, cellar, or a storage unit within 100 meters from your building. Stuff that is kept in common or unprotected areas are not covered. And regarding your outbuildings, make sure not to leave electronic devices and valuable stuff there, because if someone breaks into your garage and steals the gaming computer set you leave there, we will not cover it.

How is my home rebuilt or repaired?

How much will you pay for my house in case of a claim?

We will pay you for how much it would cost to rebuild or repair your home, after deducting depreciation. The depreciation rate will be determined by an expert and will depend on factors such as the age of your home and the last time you did renovation works to the damaged part.

If the amount we pay you after depreciation is not sufficient to cover the repairs cost, once all the works are completed you can present us with the final invoices and we’ll pay you up to an additional 25% to help cover these.

We expect your home to be rebuilt within 2 years of the event and using modern and commonly used materials.

What is your repair network?

If, after an incident, your home needs to be fixed up, Lemonade will provide you access to a Repair Network with a wide range of providers in France that can help repair your building parts including roof, joineries and painting, or embedded household appliances, like your kitchen and bathroom. This way, you won’t need to spend time searching for your own plumber or carpenter and can immediately start focusing on rehabilitating your place.

Note that if you choose to work with a different provider, we will not pay you more than what it would cost us to fix the damages through our network. If the final cost of your repairer is more expensive, you will have to pay the difference yourself.

If I live in an apartment and co-ownership, would it affect coverage?

Most people who own an apartment have the common areas of their building managed in co-ownership. If a leak starts in the water meter or someone vandalizes the facade of your building, it is not always clear if the damage should be insured by the homeowner or co-ownership insurance policy.

To give you more context, co-ownerships always must have mandatory liability insurance, but coverage for the building is optional. So, depending on the insurance and the internal regulations of your co-ownership, you can find yourself in different scenarios. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Incidents starting in the shared parts of the building that affect your individual unit. In these cases, the co-ownership will be held liable and pay you for the damage to your home. For instance if a faulty lightbulb in the staircase sets up a small fire and the smoke that enters in your house damages your ceiling.
  • Vandalism to the building facade. If you need to replace all the windows in the ground floors of your building after a vandalism incident, who will cover depends on the coverage of your co-ownership insurance. If they have building insurance that covers vandalism, then the co-ownership insurance should pay out the damage. But if they don’t, then the repair of the damage would fall on you and your insurance - so make sure to choose the best protection and buy our Burglary and Vandalism and Glass Breakage coverages.
  • Water damage in the meter next to your unit. Sometimes it may be hard to identify who is responsible for the damage: you or the building association. In these cases, the insurers’ teams of experts will help understand what happened.

Remember that each case is a unique case. In the event of a claim, our claims experts will help assess the situation.

Sometimes these expertises may take several months. To ensure you don’t have to wait for too long, we will often pay you for the damage in advance, and then settle the accounts with the other insurance company on our side.

How much coverage do I need as a Homeowner?

How do I declare how much my home is worth?

Don’t worry, we won’t require you to tell us that. In case something bad happens and damages your floor, ceiling, or walls, we will send a team of experts which can help assess how much it would cost to rebuild or repair the damaged part. Get more detail about how we pay for your building on the question above!

How much do I need to cover my stuff?

Here we will need your input. Let us know the amount of coverage you would need to cover everything you own, including your furniture, wall decoration, clothes, electronics, sports equipment or kitchen appliances. If you don’t know how much your stuff is worth, we’d recommend you to consider at least 5.000€ for each room in your home. You want to make sure you aren’t underinsured, so when in doubt, always try to round up. If other people are insured under your policy, make sure you get sufficient coverage for them.

You can adjust your coverage at any time even after buying your policy. Check your coverages through the Lemonade app and update your limits to ensure you’re always properly covered.

Are my outbuildings covered?

What kind of buildings can be covered?

We cover your home as long as it doesn’t stay empty for more than 90 days in a row. We can cover your house or your apartment, but if you live in a mobile home, an historical monument, a castle, mansion, a troglodytic building, you’ll need to search for another solution, as Lemonade won’t be able to cover you.

Also, if you rent out your home to someone else to permanently live there, you should buy a landlords’ policy instead.

Are my fireplace, swimming pool and veranda covered?

When you make a quote with Lemonade, our chatbot Maya will ask you all the information that we need to know about your home. As a rule of thumb, if you declare your garage, garden shed, storage unit, swimming pool, fireplace, solar panel, and veranda during the quote flow, then we’ve got you covered!

What if I do some house work, like a full renovation?

If you make some upgrades to your house, such as improving the insulation of your walls, replacing the roof tiles, installing a solar panel to make it more energy efficient, or setting up a new garden shed or veranda to store your gardening items, let our team know at [email protected]. We will help you make the needed changes to your contract.

Landlords Insurance

What am I covered for as a Landlord?

What kind of unfortunate things am I covered for?

Our landlords insurance includes three main components:

  • Coverage for the structure of the property you own, which includes its walls, flooring, roof, kitchen, or bathroom;
  • Coverage for the items that you own and leave in your property while you’re renting it out;
  • Liability coverage if your home accidentally causes damage or injury to someone else.

We will cover the damage to your property and your furnishings left for your tenant’s use at the rented property due to fire, smoke, explosion, power surge, windstorms over 100km/h, hail, snow pressure, collisions by vehicles or aircraft, and water damage caused by leaks, ruptures, overflows, or blockages of pipes or appliances, or infiltration through your roof, your facade or bathroom seals and tiles.

We also cover your property and furnishings against natural or technological catastrophes (e.g. flooding, earthquakes, industrial disasters) when declared by the government and published in the Journal Officiel, and acts of terrorism.

We can also help recover your lost rental income if due to one of these scenarios your tenant can no longer stay at your property. For example, if a windstorm lifts part of your roof, forcing your tenant to move to a hotel, we’ll pay you the amount of rent you won’t receive from them.

Your coverage also includes damage accidentally caused to others by your property accidentally. This includes damage caused by fire, explosion or water leaks that come from the home you own, or damage sustained by your tenant for instance due to a falling tile that you didn’t fix properly.

We also provide a legal defense if you cause unintentional injuries or damages to others, or seek recourse against others if you have sustained damage or injury from an event covered under this policy.

As always, make sure to review your policy to understand exactly what’s covered.

What additional protection can I buy?

You have the option to include in your contract our add-ons that include Glass Breakage, Burglary and Vandalism, and Legal Protection. You can easily do it at the end of your quote, or anytime after buying your policy - just check your Lemonade app!

  • Glass Breakage: You’ll be covered if one of your windows or other fixed glass (including verandas if you told us about them when you got your quote or after installation) accidentally breaks and your tenant does not have glass breakage insurance.
  • Burglary and Vandalism: If someone illegally enters your property while it’s rented out, steals your furnishings or damages them, you’ll be covered. This includes vandalism to your facade.
  • Legal Protection: We provide legal support for a broad range of disputes, including disputes between you and your tenant, disputes related to consumer agreements, small construction works, and online reputation.

How does the lost rental coverage work?

Some of our covered events, such as a fire or a big flood can make your home unlivable and force your tenant to temporarily move to an alternative accommodation. In these cases, to help you face the financial impact of losing one source of income, we compensate you by paying you on a monthly basis the amount that you should be receiving from your tenant.

We will cover your lost revenue for the period that your home is unlivable according to our experts’ reports, and up to a maximum of 1 year.

Note that if your tenant continues to pay you rent, for instance because they had another insurance which takes charge of it, then we won’t pay you any compensation.

You can change the coverage limit in your quote before buying your policy, or adjust it at any time later on your Lemonade app. If you don’t have the need for this coverage, you can also remove it from your policy.

What am I not covered for as a Landlord?

What kinds of things are not covered under my policy?

We only cover damage to your furnishings, and to the parts of your property that you installed and that belonged to you. So if, for instance, your tenant installed a solar panel on the roof or a new kitchen fitting, these will not be covered. Neither will the furniture bought by your tenant.

Damage caused accidentally by your tenant to your stuff due to events other than the ones described in the section “What am I covered for as a landlord” will not be covered. For instance, if they scratch your floor while dragging some furniture, or if their dog eats your sofa cushions.

Also regarding damage caused by your tenant, we won’t cover intentional damage nor damage due to lack of maintenance from their part, such as water damage originated from a poorly sealed shower that they should have isolated properly.

We won’t cover damage to your roof, facade, gutters, skylights, or the balconies themselves when caused by burst pipes and leaking appliances. We also don’t cover the cost to repair defective electrical panels or the cost to repair the part of the home that caused the damage. So if, for instance, a broken boiler causes a leak in your place, we won’t pay to recover your boiler.

Mold, fungus, stains, micro-cracks, and scratches that show up in your walls or roof are not covered.

As for your stuff, we only cover the furnishings which are permanently at the property you are renting out, and not damage to stuff you have in the home you live in or that you carry around with you. And if that rented property gets burgled, we will only cover the replacement of your furnishings if you have bought our Burglary and Vandalism add-on!

Can I rent my home for any purpose and still be covered?

Our landlord policy is designed to cover a flat or home you own and that you rent out to someone else as a long-term rental and with a rental contract. If you have your property out for short-term rentals, then we won’t be able to cover you (e.g. if your house is a holiday AirBnB in which your tenants don’t stay more than a few days).

We also won’t be able to cover you if the building you rent out is used for professional purposes. So if your tenant has his hairdressing salon or a small consulting firm headquarters in your flat, or stores commercial merchandise in your garage, we won’t be able to insure your home.

We also won’t be able to cover the property you rent if it is a mobile home, an historical monument, a castle, mansion, or a troglodytic building.

Do I have to do anything if the tenant living at my place changes?

There is no need to inform us about any change in tenants, unless your property stays empty for more than 90 days in between rentals. If that is the case, you need to let us know, as your landlords policy can’t cover a home unoccupied for more than 90 days in a row.

We’ll then walk you through the process to ensure you have the correct contract. You’ll need to change to an occupying homeowners’ contract, as we will consider this a secondary home. This change will extend your coverage for 90 more days, giving you plenty of time to find a new tenant. When that happens, you should once again change to a landlord policy to ensure you have the correct coverage.

If for some reason you can’t find anyone to occupy your home for over 6 months, we won’t be able to continue to cover your place.

How is my home rebuilt or repaired?

How much will you pay for my building in case of a claim?

We will pay you for how much it would cost to rebuild or repair your building, after deducting depreciation. The depreciation rate will be determined by an expert and will depend on factors such as the age of your property and the last time you did renovation works to the damaged part.

If the amount we pay you after depreciation is not sufficient to cover the repairs cost, once all the works are completed you can present us with the final invoices and we’ll pay you up to an additional 25% to help cover these.

We expect your property to be rebuilt within 2 years of the event, using modern and commonly used materials.

What is your repair network?

If, after an incident, your property needs to be fixed up, Lemonade will provide you access to a Repair Network with a wide range of providers in France that can help repair your building parts, including roof, joineries, and painting, or embedded household appliances, like those in your kitchen and bathroom. This way, you won’t need to spend time searching for your own plumber or carpenter and can immediately start focusing on rehabilitating your place.

Note that if you choose to work with a different provider, we will not pay you more than what it would cost us to fix the damages through our network. If the final cost of your repairer is more expensive, you will have to pay the difference yourself.

How much coverage do I need as a Landlord?

How do I declare how much my property is worth?

Don’t worry, we won’t require you to tell us that. In case something bad happens and damages your floor, ceiling, or walls, we will send a team of experts which can help assess how much it would cost to rebuild or repair the damaged part. Get more detail about how we pay for your building in our answer to the question above.

How much do I need to cover my stuff?

As a Landlord, you’ll only be covered for your furnishings that you permanently keep in the property you rent out. These include your furniture, shelves, kitchen appliances, carpets, curtains, and TVs, among other things that you leave for your tenant to use.

We will need you to give us an estimation of how much this is worth when you buy your policy.

You can adjust your coverage at any time, even after buying your policy. Check your coverages through the Lemonade app and update your limits to ensure you’re always properly covered.

Are my fireplace, swimming pool and veranda covered?

When you make a quote with Lemonade, our chatbot Maya will ask you all the information that we need to know about your property. As a rule of thumb, if you declare your garage, garden shed, storage unit, swimming pool, fireplace, solar panel, and veranda during the quote flow, then we’ve got you covered!


What is the Lemonade Giveback?

The Lemonade Giveback is how we support amazing nonprofits who are doing good in the world.

Insurance works by pooling small amounts of money (premiums) from a large group of people to pay for the unlucky few who suffer covered losses (claims). Since it’s impossible to predict how much money will be needed to cover these losses, the amounts people are asked to pay may be higher than what’s needed some years. Often, there’s money left at the end of the year.

Whereas traditional insurance companies keep that money as profit, we don’t. Instead, after taking a flat fee upfront, we donate the leftover premiums to nonprofit partners chosen by the Lemonade community.

Donation Period

When do you pay the Giveback?

We calculate and pay the Giveback every year during the summer.


How do you choose which nonprofits to give back to?

We work with a wide range of organizations that align with our mission of transparency and progressive stances. We’re always listening to customer suggestions, and reacting to urgent current events, so we’re constantly adding to our diverse list of local, national, and global nonprofits.

We assess the quality of nonprofit organizations based on their transparency to the public and their financial, fundraising, and administrative procedures. Find the full list of Giveback partners here.

Can I change my Giveback cause?

Once you pick a cause in the app (after you get a policy), it will be set until the following June. Once the Giveback is paid, you will have an opportunity to pick a new cause.

How can I add my cause to your Giveback program?

We’ll be happy to consider your cause for our Giveback program. For more information, reach out to us: [email protected].

Is the Giveback guaranteed?

No. Giveback is part of our corporate policy, and our plan is to pay it every year. But sometimes, the group of Lemonade policyholders who choose the same Giveback charity will not have any money left to give back, because their claims depleted the Giveback pool. Paying claims is our top priority, and in extreme circumstances could come at the expense of Giveback.

What happens to my Giveback if I cancel my policy?

Lemonade only pays a Giveback for active policies.