The Lemonade Giveback

Hereā€™s our mission: transform insurance from a necessary evil into a social good. Weā€™ve designed Lemonade to bring out the best in people, while giving society a push for the better. Introducing the Lemonade Giveback.

Making a change

Lemonade takes a flat fee and treats the rest of the money as yours, not ours. We use it to pay claims, and give whatā€™s left to charities you choose, so we never fight over the same coin.

This means:

You get some great insurance, while making a mark on a cause you careĀ about.

Social good is baked into our business model ā€” weā€™re a Public Benefit Corporation and a Certified BĀ Corp.

Weā€™ve partnered with over 100 causes that support our environment, LGBTQ+ rights, and muchĀ more.

How Giveback works

You get a Lemonade policy, and select a nonprofit you careĀ about

Once a year, we tally up the unclaimed money left from you and others who chose yourĀ cause

We give back that unclaimed money (up to 40%!) to the nonprofit youĀ chose

Total Giveback Donations


The Lemonade Giveback has grown over 3000% since our launch, and counting. Here's where our yearly donations have gone toĀ date:

Lemonade Inc. Giveback heart

Join the Giveback movement

Tens of thousands of customers already support causes they care about simply by buying a Lemonade insurance policy. As our Lemonade community grows, your social impact increases.

Get insured and give back