How Deep is Our Love?
Determining the perfect gift can be quite stressful. Here are some findings from social science that we should take into account when buying gifts.
Is Giving Tuesday Impactful?
While giving on this day has turned out to be contagious, here’s how we can be impactful year-round.
6 Ways to Win Black Friday (And Beat the Urge to Overspend)
It’s no secret that retailers do everything to get us to spend on Black Friday. Here’s how to outsmart them.
Why Our Brain Values Halloween, Even If It’s Expensive
The amount we spend on Halloween is scary. Here’s how Halloween tricks our brain into treating ourselves a little too much.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Meaningfulness
Setting aside some of our self-interests at times for something larger than ourselves will create more meaning in our lives, which will ultimately make us happier.
How to Hack Taxes and Stop Procrastinating
Here’s the real reason most people wait until the last minute to do taxes, and how to motivate yourself to check this pesky task off your to-do list.
These 4 Tricks Will Help You Spend Smarter, Science Says
Let’s be real: even if you set a budget, it’s difficult to control spending once the impulse to buy hits. Here’s how to create a budget you’ll actually stick with, without seriously impacting your happiness.
Here’s How to Boost Your Relationship with Your Roomie
Hint: From buying laundry detergent to doing the dishes, it’s all about the little things.
How Our Brain Decides to Get Insurance
Rational or not, when we decide to get insurance can be explained by science: we contemplate between risky alternatives based on ‘gains’ or ‘losses,’ rather than absolute outcomes.
The Science Behind Why It’s So Hard to Save
Truth is, most of us are pretty bad at saving money. The reason? Hint: It has to do with what language you speak.
7 Productivity Tips, Backed By Science
It’s not that there aren’t enough hours in a day, it’s that we don’t always know how to use them.
How to Prioritize Your Future Self
If we prioritize our long-term goals over our short-term to dos, science says we’ll be happier, healthier, and more fulfilled. Here’s how to start.