Everything You Need to Know About Cocker Spaniel Pet Insurance

This breed never fails to delight.

Cocker Spaniel Pet Insurance

Whether you’re looking to buy a Cocker Spaniel or simply love the four-legged friend you already share your life with, you’ve come to the right place! We’re obsessed with Cocker Spaniels. They’re a loving, excited, and beautiful dog breed.

We’ll give you the rundown on Cocker Spaniels to see if they’re the right fit. We’ll cover breed characteristics, personality, cost, common illnesses, and some great pop culture cameos from these pups. And as a bonus, you’ll find the freshest Cocker Spaniel influencers that’ll brighten up your Insta feed!

But, as we all know, having a dog isn’t always as easy as scrolling through your feed. So before giving the run down on Spaniels, we’re going to tell you how to protect your pooch, and explain how pet insurance could help take the bite out of vet bills.

Getting pet insurance for your Cocker Spaniel

Pet insurance helps cover the costs of your vet bills. You pay a monthly premium and in exchange, you can provide care for your fur fam without stressing as much about the costs. With Lemonade pet insurance, pet parents can customize their policy to get the coverage their furry friend needs.

For starters, a basic Lemonade pet health insurance policy includes accident and illness coverage. This will help cover the costs of tests, treatments, and medication if your dog or cat has an unexpected accident or illness.

A basic policy is great for the unexpected things in your fur fam’s future, but Lemonade also offers affordable preventative care, designed to keep your pet healthy, and helps cover expenses you’re probably already paying for. By adding a preventive care package to a Lemonade policy you’ll also get access to live medical chat and be covered for all types of routine care—like your annual wellness exam, checkups, blood tests, several vaccinations, and other routine health care for your pet.

Wondering if pet insurance is worth it? Check out how much pet parents of dogs and cats, including Cocker Spaniels, have saved on vet bills by signing their fur baby up for pet insurance.

We ask an American Cocker Spaniel about a day in their life…

“After 7:00 am cuddles with my pet parent, I’m up and ready to take on the day. Morning walks are the best—no backyard, no problem. If I get my walks in, apartment life is perfect, cozy, and relaxing. As long as you can keep up, I’ll even go for an afternoon run.

I enjoy nothing more than making my pet mom or dad happy. After a rough day at work, I’m the first to cheer them up with some warm cuddles. I also love meeting new people. But, sometimes, my pet parent puts a leash on me because I get “too excited,” especially with strangers. Sorry! I’d never hurt someone on purpose! 

Some say I’m a quick learner. I’ll do anything if it means I get a bite of peanut butter or a squeaky toy. But if someone yells at me, I don’t do well… The sensitive life chose me! Stay positive and take your time with me. You won’t regret it—I’ll be on my best behavior. 

A few of my Cocker Spaniel friends have serious temperament issues. I guess not all breeders respect our health and may cut corners to make an extra buck. My pet mama got me from a reputable breeder, so I’m healthy and happy. I highly recommend doing the same.”

How much does a Cocker Spaniel cost?

The Cocker Spaniel puppy is on the more expensive side, initially costing between $800 and $1,600.

Since we recommend buying the Cocker Spaniel breed from a reputable breeder, it may be hard to find adoption options. Rescue Me is a great resource for all potential pet parents. If you’re from the west coast, you can also check out Second Chance Cocker Rescue for adoptable adult dogs. Adoption should cost you around $300. 

Be prepared: During the first year, you’ll spend near $3,000 to get your new friend vaccinations, groomer appointments, and pet insurance. This price drops to around $1,500 for each year following.

On average, Cockers cost owners around $21,000 over their lifetime for checkups, dog food, etc. But if you plan on spaying/neutering your dog, hiring a dog walker, and boarding your pup once a year, expect to pay anywhere from $66,000 to $130,000 over their lifetime. 

What are common Cocker Spaniel illnesses?

To decide whether this family dog is for you, we wanted to share some health problems you might run into. We hope you never see your dog go through these. But if you do, it’s always a good idea to be prepared and know the signs. 

Before we get into some common health problems your pup might encounter, a quick reminder that Lemonade offers stellar Pet Health insurance that’ll keep your Cocker Spaniel happy and healthy. You can get a quote in just a few minutes—it’s quick, simple, and even a little fun…

Eye problems are common in a few forms. The three main types are progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, and glaucoma. Progressive Retinal Atrophy is a hereditary disease that eventually leads to blindness. We suggest you ask your breeder about the parent’s eye history to avoid this condition. Cataracts are a cloudy film that forms over the eye and causes blurry vision. Cloudy corneas can also be a symptom of glaucoma, a disease that puts pressure on your dogs eye potentially causing loss of vision. Rule of thumb? If you notice your Cocker is itching a lot or has red eyes, schedule an appointment with your vet. 

Another illness to look out for is Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA), a condition where a dog’s immune system attacks its red blood cells. It can cause months of pain, discomfort, and tiredness. Luckily, you can limit the likelihood of this condition by finding a breeder who breeds dogs with no history of AIHA.

Cocker’s are prone to certain heart problems like cardiomyopathy. This condition impacts your dog’s ability to pump blood from their heart to other parts of their body. You’ll want to look out for symptoms including tiredness, coughing, weight loss, or shortness of breath.  

Epilepsy is an inherited condition that causes seizures. Cocker Spaniels will usually show signs of this disease during their first few years of life. If your dog is seizing, make sure to prevent them from injuring themselves and call the vet immediately.

Your Cocker spaniel might also be prone to a common condition called hypothyroidism. It’s a disorder referring to an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones. To check for this one, watch out for signs like weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, and epilepsy. 

Some other health issues your Cocker Spaniel might face include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, ear infections, patellar luxation (knee dislocation), separation anxiety, and allergies.

Like humans, dogs show symptoms in a variety of ways. So you never overlook something serious, we suggest calling your vet if your dog starts acting differently or a bit off.

Cocker Spaniels in pop culture

This breed was originally bred to hunt the Eurasian woodcock bird. Now, American and English Cocker Spaniels are loved by everybody, celebrities included, for being the best family companion. President Nixon, President Truman, and (Future President?) Oprah Winfrey all loved their cute Cocker Spaniels.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) even recognized them as the most popular dog breed from the late 1930s to the 1950s, and again in the 1980s. So, it’s no surprise that the 1955 Disney classic Lady and the Tramp features a pampered Cocker Spaniel named Lady. She practically invented the spaghetti kiss!

Instagram-famous Cocker Spaniels

Nothing cheers us up like our favorite Instagram Cockers. Add these photogenic pups to your feed!

Let Australia’s Coco and Winnie steal your hearts. These invincible sisters spend their time hitting up gorgeous beaches and talking long walks with their mama. 

Bailey is definitely worth a follow. She lives with her Swedish pet parent, Emilie, who’s been with her since day one and takes the best pics of dramatic, snowy hikes and outdoor adventures.

Sometimes peering into the life of a single Cocker Spaniel influencer just isn’t enough. Enter Cocker Spaniel World, which collects unbearably precious pics of Cockers from all over the globe.

Sparky is a 3-year-old Cocker who’s both silly and serious. You can also catch him bonding (and napping) with his elegant cat BFF, Coco.

And don’t forget!

Your Cocker Spaniel is a bundle of cuteness, and you want to keep that pup happy and healthy—without going bankrupt in the process. Enter Lemonade’s Pet Health insurance, which offers an affordable way to make sure your furry friend can live their fullest life. Get your quote in just a few minutes, with a policy that Cockers and their pet parents both love!

A few quick words, because we <3 our lawyers: This post is general in nature, and any statement in it doesn’t alter the terms, conditions, exclusions, or limitations of policies issued by Lemonade, which differ according to your state of residence. You’re encouraged to discuss your specific circumstances with your own professional advisors. The purpose of this post is merely to provide you with info and insights you can use to make such discussions more productive! Naturally, all comments by, or references to, third parties represent their own views, and Lemonade assumes no responsibility for them. Coverage and discounts may not be available in all states.

Lili Cook

Lili Cook is a Content Analyst at Lemonade. She lives with three adorable dogs, including a Frenchie who has her own stroller. Lili is obsessed with numbers, data, and making insurance awesome.


Please note: Lemonade articles and other editorial content are meant for educational purposes only, and should not be relied upon instead of professional legal, insurance or financial advice. The content of these educational articles does not alter the terms, conditions, exclusions, or limitations of policies issued by Lemonade, which differ according to your state of residence. While we regularly review previously published content to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date, there may be instances in which legal conditions or policy details have changed since publication. Any hypothetical examples used in Lemonade editorial content are purely expositional. Hypothetical examples do not alter or bind Lemonade to any application of your insurance policy to the particular facts and circumstances of any actual claim.